Our aims include protests, direct action and raising funds for direct action.
These funds will go towards the defence of your nation, culture, values, race and group security to deter those who wish us harm. All data has military grade encryption and is secure.
Dispatch to anywhere in the World. Defence League members may be based in any Country. We offer a Great Britain & Ulster membership on exactly the same terms as that of the EDL so if you are Scottish, Welsh, Ulster or English and prefer this option then just specify on checkout and you will receive the Great Britain & Ulster membership card option.
Defence League Membership Card valid for one year from date of receipt of payment
As a member, you play an important role in the overall success of Defence League. Throughout our history we have had to raise funds to continue the fight for the survival of our values and culture. If you want to stay in the background as a member, then that is ok as many want to contribute but not actively and are busy working hard for their families. Alternatively, be activist against those that threaten our way of life. Either way we would expect you not to bring dishonour to the Defence League.
Caution Be aware of attempted infiltration by bad actors – these are groups such as undercover police or well financed left-wing globalists with a corrupt agenda and bad motives, to spy on and obtain information on people associated with our group, their known associates and current and future activities. Always take care and if you have any suspicions then please report as much information as possible such as descriptions, place, words, dates, times or other information to our secure email below so we can take action to help protect you and others of our growing worldwide group. The politicised police extremists misuse public money to sabotage those whose politics are not left-wing and appeasing of the destruction of Great Britain & Northern Ireland
Follow the Membership link where you can use your debit or credit card. These funds will go towards the defence of our white nations, culture, values, race and group security to deter those who wish us harm. All data has military grade encryption and is secure.
Membership Annual Cost: £10.00
English Defence League Membership Card valid for one year from date of receipt of payment
Great Britain & Ulster Defence League Membership Card valid for one year from date of receipt of payment
Membership Annual Cost: £10.00
Membership Annual Cost: £49.99
English Defence League Membership Card valid for one year from date of receipt of payment
You will also receive one Anti-immigration flag 5ft by 3ft
Membership Annual Cost: £79.99
English Defence League Membership Card valid for one year from date of receipt of payment
You will also receive one Anti-immigration flag 5ft by 3ft
You will also receive one Pure blood flag 5ft by 3ft
Membership Annual Cost: £5.00 – Membership only – no card sent