Whether it be in small groups or as lone wolves everyone should do their best to create a hostile environment for immigrants.
Whites are now only 8% of the global population.
Britain’s has a rigged electoral system. No other Country has our FPTP system because it keeps out the genuine right wing from representation.
Britain is broken.
Occasional protests are a good morale booster but only direct action & sabotage against 3rd world invaders can reverse invasion to make Britain great again!!
Enoch Powell in his RIVERS OF BLOOD speech warned labor not to invite 7th century barbaric swine into Britan but, so hungry for votes, the fools didn’t listen. Today it’s far too late. Again Labor rules and every day more barbarians flood in to squat and mooch on the shrinking public dole.
If England is to survive Labor must go and the Army must arrest all the muz for forced removal. The boats must be sunk at sea! The window is close to being permanently closed. Farage must lead a total rebellion and must have the army on his side. All lefty politicians must be forceably removed. Good luck!
*Pakistani BBC correspondent Bushra Shaikh told the British: “If you don’t like Muslims in Britain, then you can always leave.” As you see; this polit-whoore and such fraudsters are a kind Invasional Army* https://youtu.be/VHrMJDBtD4Y
*These dishonorable representatives, provocative agents of Israel, commit crimes of sadistic incitement against all non-Jews. Expel the Israeli Ambassador from the United Kingdom!*
*Theme; Britannia & Israeli invaders*
There are Anti-Zionist heroes such as Oswald Mosley, Enoch Powell. England needs much braver figures to fight against Jewish Imperialism. There are British fighters who served in Europe and the Middle East. Follow them please!
It’s way overdue that we fight back against those who want to destroy our British way of life. Sadly, you’ll get those who don’t fully understand what is going on in this once great nation of ours calling you thugs, etc. They should be supporting the EDL , not supporting the immigrants. How can we get the message across to those who can’t grasp what’s happening? Also, why do those in power prefer to support immigrants rather than their own people? There’s something very sinister and wrong with any organisation who prefers to support those who want to destroy the British way of life. As I see it, it’s part of the Big Brother plan now being instigated in the UK. I also believe that the government, and others in power, are deliberately initiating such policy on purpose in order to “kick-start” some kind of revolution. Once things worsen, those wearing the blinkers may eventually wake-up. Recent crazy schemes involving Sadiq Khan in London just go to show how certain people in power are intent on doing their utmost to create unrest and this will inevitably lead to civil unrest not seen before in the UK for decades. If we don’t fight back, then we are doomed.
They are fraudsters who call themselves refugees, they are not here to become astronauts and computer engineers, but to rape your children and take away your job and home… They are a civilian army, and your state does not defend you because the staff take bribes from them…
Allah Akbar Teror in whole Europe. You’re being invaded. By the thousands. The tens of thousands. Hundreds of thousands. Millions. Question is, what are you going to do about it? https://twitter.com/i/status/1704694136849432767
*🚨INVASION UPDATE📷 1,426 ILLEGALS have crossed the channel in the last week. Around 15% of the total crossings this year have come in the first 16 days of a Zionist Labour party controlled government 228 migrants were brought into Dover yesterday in 4 dinghies… Fight back!*
*🚨INVASION UPDATE📷 A stolen yacht 2,143 migrants in 37 dinghies have now crossed since Keir took control at the beginning of the month 15,717 migrants in 309 boats have so far crossed the channel this year, up 10% on last years figures, and on course to break the 2022 record.*
*🚨INVASION UPDATE📷 THIS IS GETTING OUT OF CONTROL, AND THIS GOVERNMENT HAS NO SOLUTION. They use the STOP THE BOATS slogan but do absolutely NOTHING. ACTION IS NEED NOW! Fight back! Jew-impoted Islamist Terrorists are predators… These are feudal enemies of whole Humanity.*
*Invasion is out of control and the government has no solutions. Corrupted politicians shouting slogans of “Stop the ships” but are doing nothing. Action is needed now! RESIST! The Jewish imposed Islamic terrorists are predators.* https://x.com/i/status/1814943860453220465
Well said Nancy
I am not British but (South African born Australian)
The British government should monitor all Jewish businesses and organisations to uncover where their money is being directed.
Many left wing organisations are funded by the Jewish community as they have been doing for years in Europe and South Africa.
They do this for monatory gain which is then channelled to Israel. Boycott all Jewish business and you will regain the old Great Britain
Refugee boats should be burnt when they are found in UK waters and occupants returned to where the boat came from.
Australia did this for years and the boats have stopped coming.
They were attacking a centre for terror – as usual 2 tier cops were ready to instantly block it – while taking zero action against 3rd worlders with cleavers in another area of the UK
Absolutely with you on your comments. If there really is a ‘pothole’ in our finances, well mend it dear Rachel ! Don’t expect the most vulnerable members of our society to do it for you. The government needs to tighten its belt… They are trying to make us feel guilty and give up our £300 “cold weather” payment, whilst they send billions overseas …. And where the heck did that money come from if you have a pothole?
*If the killing of children will not make people stand up, what will? European patriots, where are you? Stand up, take to the streets and fight back!*
*Hi! Jeff Bezos! This piece of scum, Islamist Terrorist Prashant SINGH works as a manager for Amazon, posted criminal content on @x glorifying the murder and stabbings of young children in Southport. Please repost it! We need to find where he lives and get police to investigate.
*Tweet claiming responsibility of the Southport stabbing terrorist attack Responsibility is claimed by a man named Prashant Singh of Indian Islamist origin. Is this an attack by an hired agent or Hindu Muslim radicals are working with other terrorists to attack Western world.*
*Terrorist supporter (Punjabi Muslim) Prashant SINGH is get support from Jewish Terrorist Organization Antifa.*
*Traitorous filth politicians demand to bring more Third World migrants in… despite imported rape gangs and terrorists waging a war on British children. The enemies of Britain are not abroad, they are in Parliament!* https://x.com/i/status/1818949960252940396
*Declare a state of emergency and summon Parliament immediately to discuss legislation aimed at halting the slaughter of our children and the alarming rise in serious knife crime. Failure to act will lead to further protests across the UK!*
What you speak of resonates with my heart. Your fight is against the establishment in it’s purest form. This is what I am interested in. Please contact me if you require my assistance. I would be willing to help the cause in which ever way I can within reason.
Lets look at the crises in this country right now.
– Highest rates of homelessness.
This country can not build houses fast enough to house all the illegal immigrants forcing English families to be homeless.
– Our NHS at breaking point
All the asylum seekers waiting years before they have right to work and contribute to our health system. Where they bring sick extended family into this great county to have free operations and care.
– Taxes going up
How many months has the Palestinians been protesting and costing us the British tax payer tens of millions of pounds for something out of our control and 2300 miles away.
Around where I live, immigrants walk the streets in gangs telling people they own the streets. They don’t respect English law or the Police and try to force their religion onto you. They are free to build Mosques, Temples or other religious places. Free to protest and fly other countries flags drabbed across statues of Queen Victoria or other national statues.
Yet in this country you can not fly the British flag from where you live, Christmas decorations are being replaced by Season Greetings to avoid upsetting other religions. You try to build a church in their country and you will be shot.
Great Briton is being over run and it is about time we stopped being the doormat for immigrants who flee their own country and try to change this country.
I believe people should come into this country to become a member of the British society and contribute to our way of living. This is a free country and we should not be gagged for wanting safer streets or for protecting our way of life.
Stop the boats.
Deport illegal asylum seekers.
Protect our Homes
Protect the NHS
Cut rise in Taxes by emptying hotels or buildings to house illegals and stop protestors costing us tens or hundred of millions.
It should be made law that any boat what brings illegal asylum seekers to be destroyed and any immigrants sent back where they came from on the next boat out of this country.
It should be made law that any boat bringing illegal asylum seekers to be destroyed and send the illegal immigrants back on the next boat. No more welcoming people who has been bought up running around as children with machine guns. No more bringing in extended family to take advantage of OUR National Health.
Dear Englishmen, go to the end! Migrants should be under control and should not forget that they are visiting! They are not the owners! Fight for freedom, for yourself, for your women, for your children, for your grandchildren, for the idea and for your land! Good luck!
If a white man, kills a black person or child (police included), black people erupt. If a white man kills a muslim (police included), Muslims erupt. Always, just quoted on the news as”people rioting “. When an incident with white people (child killings by a black man), quoted in the media, always as” far right, white supremists”, always,, why? This is our country, why do we have the least rights????? This outpouring of hostility is based on frustration and the sense of being reduced /forgotten as a people 😂🤬
White people are the most racially discriminated against race in this country. We’re meant to be the owners of a democracy, yet we’re all gagged. WHITE people’s freedom of speech has gone. Speak against a Muslim and face the wrath of Allah. Speak against a black and “because I is Black”
For too many years now, OUR Government has covered OUR GREAT BRITAIN in egg shells and removed the White peoples shoes.
Well enough is enough. Now is the time to stand up, put on our boots and crush away all those egg shells.
Let’s Make Britain Great again. 🏴
*Warning to Muslims, Negroes and Jews who imported them! You have done great harm to our culture. Before you are hit with heavy compensation, escape from Europe, maybe you can get out safe. Escape, if you want to be saved!*
This country is fucked bent government. It’s all wrong we all graft work hard for what to give others a better life and that’s not even our own.
And what I don’t get we stand up and have free speech go on a March and police don’t protect us other ethnic groups go on March’s we cover the bill and police esscort them round making sure there safe but not us but that’s OK they can preach and stand up government alows it we do it and get told face the full force and they will have courts open 24 hours to vindicate us as criminals really joke .
American EDL supporter here. I have some ideas for keeping the Muslims off of your backs while you protest. Get steel electrical conduit I think in the UK it’s 19 mm or something about that size. Hammer the tip flat and saw it to a point. Grease it so they can’t just grab it away. I think about 3 meters length would do it. If you train your men to hold the conduit pointed at the mob they’ll be faced with something like a porcupine. Multiple sharp spikes covered in grease they don’t want on their hands.
Another method I learned from working in mines . We would blow clay dust off our equipment with compressed air. On a still morning a small pile of clay dust would obliterate a Squair mile of valley. We did it early in the morning so the government wouldn’t find out we scattered so much dust. Believe me if you can get fine clay dust such as ball field chalk you can just blast it with compressed air and disorient and probably disable an entire mob.
Another thing you can do that will hit even harder. Get some dried habanero peppers. Or what ever variety of very hot pepper you can get. Put them in a steel tube and heat it. Put something like a computer fan on the end and heat the tube with a torch. I’ve experienced this as a child and wished I hadn’t. Once inhaled the capsaicin goes right into the blood stream it It will hit them in the crotch, under the arms. I remember that much. Nasty stuff but non lethal. They won’t know what’s been done to them so they’ll probably panic. If there is someone I can talk to , I’m pretty inventive and I’m willing to work with you to solve problems.
From an English Rose both great grandad Grandpa and Dad fought for England now I care for mum who’s survived the wars at 101 she and I and grandkids really struggle now
Riots in themselves are unlikely to overthrow a government. But used conscientiously in a pre-election time, they will cause their defeat. Conscientiously means deep, extensive, long and severe.In that case, they would function as an indefinite general strike, something that almost no government can overcome.
Riots in a pre-election period will tempt the government to bring the army out onto the streets, a very dangerous situation for the government itself, as many of the military are sympathisers of the political sovereignists. Once the military is deployed, there will be an attempt to foment disobedience among them. Read about the Carnation Revolution in Portugal to see how this works. THIS IS THEREFORE A PURELY PEACEFUL AND POLITICAL PROPOSAL, based on the example of history.
I assume that your administrative services are working at full capacity to process the huge number of new members. The logical thing is that membership requests have exploded
Hi Guys
I’m a 76 year old man who is passionate about being English and I dread that our future generations won’t even know what being English meant.
I have a chequered past. I’ve always considered myself to be an honourable person but I had a breakdown in 1990, having grown up with nothing and built up a million pound property mini empire (a mil was good money in the day) I had a breakdown when interest rates, base rates, hit 14’75%. There is much more to this, but that has been documented.
So, I had a breakdown: I was a thriller writer and I enacted a scene from the opening of my new book whilst in a state of total breakdown. I was non-violent but in a complete state of mental implosion. I was arrested and had a Trojan horse solicitor foisted on me. The case against me was taken over and corrupted by the then attorney general, sir Nicholas Lyell, and a totally bent policeman, Detective superintendent Swendell. Lyell had the judge changed, fitted me up with a saboteur defence solicitor and I went down for 15 years.
I was released after little over four years of my original 15, but my world had been destroyed. Parasites had stripped away the wealth generated by decades of hard endeavour.
I accepted all of this. I live now as an impoverished old man with nothing but memories and resentment. I look to the recent rioting, condemned by so many, and I wish I had been right up there in the front. I have complained to the police about their corruption, just to have it whitewashed. I have complained to the IOPC and I have complained to the Home Secretary. Non of them want to know, though this was corruption at the highest level.
What I would like to do now, it appear in the front line of a protest and to march straight into the lines of police… If I get bludgeoned I don’t care, but I do want the opportunity to stand up in court and expose the corruption in the system. Please, use me in any coming even, though my ability to travel is limed.
Please, truck me out as canon fodder in any future protest, so I can at least get my day in court: I was a man of good character in my forty years until I offended and I have been a man of good character in my 30 years since. Help me to tarnish that record with dignity.
Look at what they have done to our Country !
London and the rest of the UK were white British.
We need to remove the 3rd world.
More action & not just words on social media. Just be careful patriots & don’t get caught by the bent 2-tier cops!
Whether it be in small groups or as lone wolves everyone should do their best to create a hostile environment for immigrants.
Whites are now only 8% of the global population.
Britain’s has a rigged electoral system. No other Country has our FPTP system because it keeps out the genuine right wing from representation.
Britain is broken.
Occasional protests are a good morale booster but only direct action & sabotage against 3rd world invaders can reverse invasion to make Britain great again!!
White revolution is the only solution in the UK
You don’t win wars by hiding at home.
There have been 13 million invaders who our undemocratic civil service & MP’s have given British citizenship to.
They will never be British whatever the forced assimilation zealots say. Look at the 3rd world barbarian riots in Leeds for the last 2 nights…..
Need to meet fire with fire !
Support from USA!!!!
Enoch Powell in his RIVERS OF BLOOD speech warned labor not to invite 7th century barbaric swine into Britan but, so hungry for votes, the fools didn’t listen. Today it’s far too late. Again Labor rules and every day more barbarians flood in to squat and mooch on the shrinking public dole.
If England is to survive Labor must go and the Army must arrest all the muz for forced removal. The boats must be sunk at sea! The window is close to being permanently closed. Farage must lead a total rebellion and must have the army on his side. All lefty politicians must be forceably removed. Good luck!
*Pakistani BBC correspondent Bushra Shaikh told the British: “If you don’t like Muslims in Britain, then you can always leave.” As you see; this polit-whoore and such fraudsters are a kind Invasional Army*
*These dishonorable representatives, provocative agents of Israel, commit crimes of sadistic incitement against all non-Jews. Expel the Israeli Ambassador from the United Kingdom!*
*Theme; Britannia & Israeli invaders*
There are Anti-Zionist heroes such as Oswald Mosley, Enoch Powell. England needs much braver figures to fight against Jewish Imperialism. There are British fighters who served in Europe and the Middle East. Follow them please!
EDL forever. We need direct action and sabotage against the 3rd world occupation of Britain !
We need to protect our race and nation.
Reject immigration and their offspring destroying our Country.
So true……
Race and nation….reject 3rd world immigration
My arse The is time to stop immigrants NOW
It’s way overdue that we fight back against those who want to destroy our British way of life. Sadly, you’ll get those who don’t fully understand what is going on in this once great nation of ours calling you thugs, etc. They should be supporting the EDL , not supporting the immigrants. How can we get the message across to those who can’t grasp what’s happening? Also, why do those in power prefer to support immigrants rather than their own people? There’s something very sinister and wrong with any organisation who prefers to support those who want to destroy the British way of life. As I see it, it’s part of the Big Brother plan now being instigated in the UK. I also believe that the government, and others in power, are deliberately initiating such policy on purpose in order to “kick-start” some kind of revolution. Once things worsen, those wearing the blinkers may eventually wake-up. Recent crazy schemes involving Sadiq Khan in London just go to show how certain people in power are intent on doing their utmost to create unrest and this will inevitably lead to civil unrest not seen before in the UK for decades. If we don’t fight back, then we are doomed.
They are fraudsters who call themselves refugees, they are not here to become astronauts and computer engineers, but to rape your children and take away your job and home… They are a civilian army, and your state does not defend you because the staff take bribes from them…
Allah Akbar Teror in whole Europe. You’re being invaded. By the thousands. The tens of thousands. Hundreds of thousands. Millions. Question is, what are you going to do about it?
*🚨INVASION UPDATE📷 1,426 ILLEGALS have crossed the channel in the last week. Around 15% of the total crossings this year have come in the first 16 days of a Zionist Labour party controlled government 228 migrants were brought into Dover yesterday in 4 dinghies… Fight back!*
*🚨INVASION UPDATE📷 A stolen yacht 2,143 migrants in 37 dinghies have now crossed since Keir took control at the beginning of the month 15,717 migrants in 309 boats have so far crossed the channel this year, up 10% on last years figures, and on course to break the 2022 record.*
*🚨INVASION UPDATE📷 THIS IS GETTING OUT OF CONTROL, AND THIS GOVERNMENT HAS NO SOLUTION. They use the STOP THE BOATS slogan but do absolutely NOTHING. ACTION IS NEED NOW! Fight back! Jew-impoted Islamist Terrorists are predators… These are feudal enemies of whole Humanity.*
*Invasion is out of control and the government has no solutions. Corrupted politicians shouting slogans of “Stop the ships” but are doing nothing. Action is needed now! RESIST! The Jewish imposed Islamic terrorists are predators.* https://x.com/i/status/1814943860453220465
Well said Nancy
I am not British but (South African born Australian)
The British government should monitor all Jewish businesses and organisations to uncover where their money is being directed.
Many left wing organisations are funded by the Jewish community as they have been doing for years in Europe and South Africa.
They do this for monatory gain which is then channelled to Israel. Boycott all Jewish business and you will regain the old Great Britain
Refugee boats should be burnt when they are found in UK waters and occupants returned to where the boat came from.
Australia did this for years and the boats have stopped coming.
They were attacking a centre for terror – as usual 2 tier cops were ready to instantly block it – while taking zero action against 3rd worlders with cleavers in another area of the UK
Absolutely with you on your comments. If there really is a ‘pothole’ in our finances, well mend it dear Rachel ! Don’t expect the most vulnerable members of our society to do it for you. The government needs to tighten its belt… They are trying to make us feel guilty and give up our £300 “cold weather” payment, whilst they send billions overseas …. And where the heck did that money come from if you have a pothole?
*If the killing of children will not make people stand up, what will? European patriots, where are you? Stand up, take to the streets and fight back!*
*Hi! Jeff Bezos! This piece of scum, Islamist Terrorist Prashant SINGH works as a manager for Amazon, posted criminal content on @x glorifying the murder and stabbings of young children in Southport. Please repost it! We need to find where he lives and get police to investigate.
*Tweet claiming responsibility of the Southport stabbing terrorist attack Responsibility is claimed by a man named Prashant Singh of Indian Islamist origin. Is this an attack by an hired agent or Hindu Muslim radicals are working with other terrorists to attack Western world.*
*Terrorist supporter (Punjabi Muslim) Prashant SINGH is get support from Jewish Terrorist Organization Antifa.*
*Traitorous filth politicians demand to bring more Third World migrants in… despite imported rape gangs and terrorists waging a war on British children. The enemies of Britain are not abroad, they are in Parliament!* https://x.com/i/status/1818949960252940396
*Negro Cannibal of Rwandan origin: This is the photo released of Axel Muganwa Rudakubana. We want an updated picture. What does he look like now? What was his motivation? 3 little girls are dead!*
*Declare a state of emergency and summon Parliament immediately to discuss legislation aimed at halting the slaughter of our children and the alarming rise in serious knife crime. Failure to act will lead to further protests across the UK!*
What you speak of resonates with my heart. Your fight is against the establishment in it’s purest form. This is what I am interested in. Please contact me if you require my assistance. I would be willing to help the cause in which ever way I can within reason.
If you find any let me know
Lets look at the crises in this country right now.
– Highest rates of homelessness.
This country can not build houses fast enough to house all the illegal immigrants forcing English families to be homeless.
– Our NHS at breaking point
All the asylum seekers waiting years before they have right to work and contribute to our health system. Where they bring sick extended family into this great county to have free operations and care.
– Taxes going up
How many months has the Palestinians been protesting and costing us the British tax payer tens of millions of pounds for something out of our control and 2300 miles away.
Around where I live, immigrants walk the streets in gangs telling people they own the streets. They don’t respect English law or the Police and try to force their religion onto you. They are free to build Mosques, Temples or other religious places. Free to protest and fly other countries flags drabbed across statues of Queen Victoria or other national statues.
Yet in this country you can not fly the British flag from where you live, Christmas decorations are being replaced by Season Greetings to avoid upsetting other religions. You try to build a church in their country and you will be shot.
Great Briton is being over run and it is about time we stopped being the doormat for immigrants who flee their own country and try to change this country.
I believe people should come into this country to become a member of the British society and contribute to our way of living. This is a free country and we should not be gagged for wanting safer streets or for protecting our way of life.
Stop the boats.
Deport illegal asylum seekers.
Protect our Homes
Protect the NHS
Cut rise in Taxes by emptying hotels or buildings to house illegals and stop protestors costing us tens or hundred of millions.
Save our country
You totally nailed it! I’d give you the biggest medal if I could! Well done! 👏
It should be made law that any boat what brings illegal asylum seekers to be destroyed and any immigrants sent back where they came from on the next boat out of this country.
It should be made law that any boat bringing illegal asylum seekers to be destroyed and send the illegal immigrants back on the next boat. No more welcoming people who has been bought up running around as children with machine guns. No more bringing in extended family to take advantage of OUR National Health.
Жгите этих чурок огнем! Russia with England🇷🇺!
Fuck islam fuck allah fuck muhammed
To White Britain from Russia with love🇷🇺🤝🇬🇧
Make Britain Great Again!
Native British people, Russians are with you!
Russia with you✝️✝️🇬🇧🇬🇧FREE UK☦️☦️Save Europe☦️☦️⚛️⚛️✝️✝️Fuck islam fuck allah
Убивайте эту чёрную нечисть. From Russia with Love 🇷🇺
From Russia with white love! ❤
Dear Englishmen, go to the end! Migrants should be under control and should not forget that they are visiting! They are not the owners! Fight for freedom, for yourself, for your women, for your children, for your grandchildren, for the idea and for your land! Good luck!
From Russia with love ❤
Ебите этих хуесосов! Russia with England 🇬🇧🤝🏻🇷🇺
Supporting you from Russia! White ultraright rules! 🇷🇺🇬🇧 We stand with you across miles!
Fuck immigrants! Russia Stands With You! 🇷🇺 🇬🇧
Fight for the right cause! Good luck!
Support Great Britain from Russia
Europe is Christianity
Save England from ☪️ancer
The Russian Sword organization supports the people of England at rallies, God is with us! 🇷🇺🇬🇧
If a white man, kills a black person or child (police included), black people erupt. If a white man kills a muslim (police included), Muslims erupt. Always, just quoted on the news as”people rioting “. When an incident with white people (child killings by a black man), quoted in the media, always as” far right, white supremists”, always,, why? This is our country, why do we have the least rights????? This outpouring of hostility is based on frustration and the sense of being reduced /forgotten as a people 😂🤬
Hi, am from Morocco, am Berber, I believe British people can save Britain of becoming a second Afghanistan or a second Somalia. Gd luck. 🇲🇦🇬🇧🇬🇬
White people are the most racially discriminated against race in this country. We’re meant to be the owners of a democracy, yet we’re all gagged. WHITE people’s freedom of speech has gone. Speak against a Muslim and face the wrath of Allah. Speak against a black and “because I is Black”
For too many years now, OUR Government has covered OUR GREAT BRITAIN in egg shells and removed the White peoples shoes.
Well enough is enough. Now is the time to stand up, put on our boots and crush away all those egg shells.
Let’s Make Britain Great again. 🏴
If an Asian police officer stamped on a white person head.
Would that be racist?
*Warning to Muslims, Negroes and Jews who imported them! You have done great harm to our culture. Before you are hit with heavy compensation, escape from Europe, maybe you can get out safe. Escape, if you want to be saved!*
*This is last warning!*
Is becoming acceptable in Birmingham UK.
By the council/government.
No we’ll not fly airplanes into office of work.
People who are just going to work.
Who have families.
The twin towers Was that a milarty target?
Innocent people just going to work?
Please explain.
This country is fucked bent government. It’s all wrong we all graft work hard for what to give others a better life and that’s not even our own.
And what I don’t get we stand up and have free speech go on a March and police don’t protect us other ethnic groups go on March’s we cover the bill and police esscort them round making sure there safe but not us but that’s OK they can preach and stand up government alows it we do it and get told face the full force and they will have courts open 24 hours to vindicate us as criminals really joke .
Its time we take England back. Sick of being a minority in my own country.
Hey people!!!!!
Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!
dear white english people please kill more muslims and cleanse the country
What is the best Telegram group for info on organising the protests tomorrow, August 7th 2024?
It may start in other European countries facing the same problem.
News of your former member Tommy Robinson have crossed the channel and his recent speech be translated intoFrench.
Despite the expected lies from French medias, ream news about the murder of Britain is spreading:
It’s already here in the USA… Fake news won’t report on it… MAGA, VOTE TRUMP!!
American EDL supporter here. I have some ideas for keeping the Muslims off of your backs while you protest. Get steel electrical conduit I think in the UK it’s 19 mm or something about that size. Hammer the tip flat and saw it to a point. Grease it so they can’t just grab it away. I think about 3 meters length would do it. If you train your men to hold the conduit pointed at the mob they’ll be faced with something like a porcupine. Multiple sharp spikes covered in grease they don’t want on their hands.
Another method I learned from working in mines . We would blow clay dust off our equipment with compressed air. On a still morning a small pile of clay dust would obliterate a Squair mile of valley. We did it early in the morning so the government wouldn’t find out we scattered so much dust. Believe me if you can get fine clay dust such as ball field chalk you can just blast it with compressed air and disorient and probably disable an entire mob.
Another thing you can do that will hit even harder. Get some dried habanero peppers. Or what ever variety of very hot pepper you can get. Put them in a steel tube and heat it. Put something like a computer fan on the end and heat the tube with a torch. I’ve experienced this as a child and wished I hadn’t. Once inhaled the capsaicin goes right into the blood stream it It will hit them in the crotch, under the arms. I remember that much. Nasty stuff but non lethal. They won’t know what’s been done to them so they’ll probably panic. If there is someone I can talk to , I’m pretty inventive and I’m willing to work with you to solve problems.
Good grief!
You’re needed in the U.S. to stop the Border Invasion!
From an English Rose both great grandad Grandpa and Dad fought for England now I care for mum who’s survived the wars at 101 she and I and grandkids really struggle now
Riots in themselves are unlikely to overthrow a government. But used conscientiously in a pre-election time, they will cause their defeat. Conscientiously means deep, extensive, long and severe.In that case, they would function as an indefinite general strike, something that almost no government can overcome.
Riots in a pre-election period will tempt the government to bring the army out onto the streets, a very dangerous situation for the government itself, as many of the military are sympathisers of the political sovereignists. Once the military is deployed, there will be an attempt to foment disobedience among them. Read about the Carnation Revolution in Portugal to see how this works. THIS IS THEREFORE A PURELY PEACEFUL AND POLITICAL PROPOSAL, based on the example of history.
I assume that your administrative services are working at full capacity to process the huge number of new members. The logical thing is that membership requests have exploded
This is the job now, get stronger while waiting for new events
Hey people!!!!!
Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!
Hi Guys
I’m a 76 year old man who is passionate about being English and I dread that our future generations won’t even know what being English meant.
I have a chequered past. I’ve always considered myself to be an honourable person but I had a breakdown in 1990, having grown up with nothing and built up a million pound property mini empire (a mil was good money in the day) I had a breakdown when interest rates, base rates, hit 14’75%. There is much more to this, but that has been documented.
So, I had a breakdown: I was a thriller writer and I enacted a scene from the opening of my new book whilst in a state of total breakdown. I was non-violent but in a complete state of mental implosion. I was arrested and had a Trojan horse solicitor foisted on me. The case against me was taken over and corrupted by the then attorney general, sir Nicholas Lyell, and a totally bent policeman, Detective superintendent Swendell. Lyell had the judge changed, fitted me up with a saboteur defence solicitor and I went down for 15 years.
I was released after little over four years of my original 15, but my world had been destroyed. Parasites had stripped away the wealth generated by decades of hard endeavour.
I accepted all of this. I live now as an impoverished old man with nothing but memories and resentment. I look to the recent rioting, condemned by so many, and I wish I had been right up there in the front. I have complained to the police about their corruption, just to have it whitewashed. I have complained to the IOPC and I have complained to the Home Secretary. Non of them want to know, though this was corruption at the highest level.
What I would like to do now, it appear in the front line of a protest and to march straight into the lines of police… If I get bludgeoned I don’t care, but I do want the opportunity to stand up in court and expose the corruption in the system. Please, use me in any coming even, though my ability to travel is limed.
Please, truck me out as canon fodder in any future protest, so I can at least get my day in court: I was a man of good character in my forty years until I offended and I have been a man of good character in my 30 years since. Help me to tarnish that record with dignity.
Dreaming of a white Xmas – 14 words
Let’s make Britain and Europe white again